
What to Study if You Don't Know Your Career Path

Choosing a field of study is a significant decision, but it can feel overwhelming if you are unsure of your career path. Whether you are finishing school or considering a career change, this guide offers practical advice to help you assess your interests, explore study options, and make an informed decision. We will provide the career path guidance you need to embark on a journey that aligns with your passions and the job market demands.

What to Study if You Don't Know Your Career Path

Covered in this article

Understanding Your Interests and Strengths
Exploring Different Fields of Study
Considering Future Job Market Trends
Academic Flexibility and Lifelong Learning
Steps to Take When You Are Still Unsure

Understanding Your Interests and Strengths

Before you can choose a field of study, it is essential to understand your interests and strengths. This self-awareness forms the foundation of any successful career path, as it ensures that the choices you make align with your natural abilities and passions.

Start by reflecting on the subjects and activities you enjoy the most. What hobbies or tasks do you find most engaging? Are there particular subjects at school or areas of work where you excel? Taking the time to analyse your preferences can reveal patterns that point towards potential study paths.

There are numerous self-assessment tools available that can help you gain deeper insights into your strengths and interests. Personality tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Strong Interest Inventory can provide valuable guidance by highlighting the fields where your personality traits and interests are most likely to thrive.

In addition to formal assessments, consider seeking feedback from those who know you well. Friends, family, and teachers can often provide perspectives on your strengths that you may not have considered. Their observations can serve as useful indicators of potential career paths that match your abilities and interests.

Ultimately, the goal is to identify a field of study that not only captures your interest but also leverages your strengths. This approach will ensure that you are not only passionate about your studies but also well-prepared for the challenges of your chosen career path.

Exploring Different Fields of Study

Once you have a clearer understanding of your interests and strengths, the next step is to explore different fields of study. Even if you are unsure about a specific career, starting with a broad area that aligns with your interests can help you narrow down your options over time.

Consider the wide range of academic fields available, each offering its own set of opportunities and career paths. For instance, if you have a strong inclination towards science and problem-solving, you might explore fields like engineering, biology, or environmental science. On the other hand, if you are more drawn to creative expression, areas like graphic design, literature, or performing arts might be more suitable.

Interdisciplinary studies are another excellent option if you have multiple interests. Programmes that combine elements from different fields, such as business and technology or health sciences and communication, can provide a well-rounded education that keeps your options open. This flexibility is particularly beneficial if you’re not yet ready to commit to a single career path.

It is also worth considering fields that are aligned with emerging trends and future job markets. Industries like artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and healthcare are growing rapidly, offering promising career prospects. By choosing a field of study within these areas, you can position yourself at the forefront of innovation and job growth.

Remember, the goal is not to have everything figured out immediately. The journey of exploring different fields is valuable in itself, as it helps you discover what truly resonates with you. By starting broad and gradually narrowing your focus, you will be better equipped to find a study path that suits your unique blend of interests and strengths.

Considering Future Job Market Trends

It is essential to consider how your chosen field of study aligns with future job market trends. While passion and interest are crucial, ensuring that your studies prepare you for a thriving career is equally important.

Start by researching industries that are expected to grow in the coming years. Fields such as technology, healthcare, and environmental sciences are not only rapidly expanding but also offer a range of diverse career opportunities. For example, careers in data science, cybersecurity, and renewable energy are in high demand and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

Here are some key areas to consider:

  • Business and Finance: With the global economy evolving, careers in financial markets, accountancy, and business administration are in high demand. The University of Johannesburg offers online programmes that prepare you for leadership roles in these dynamic fields.

  • Education: As the world values lifelong learning more than ever, the demand for skilled educators is growing. UJ Online provides programmes that equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in teaching and educational leadership roles.

  • Resource Management: Effective human resource management is at the heart of any successful organisation. UJ Online's Bachelor of Human Resource Management programme is designed to prepare you for a dynamic career in HR, equipping you with the skills to manage and develop talent within a wide range of industries. This programme provides a comprehensive understanding of HR practices, from recruitment and talent management to employee relations and organisational development, ensuring you are well-prepared to make a meaningful impact in the workplace.

Additionally, look for fields that offer adaptability and lifelong learning opportunities. In many industries, the nature of work is evolving due to technological advancements. By choosing a field that embraces innovation and continuous learning, you can future-proof your career against these changes.

Academic Flexibility and Lifelong Learning

In a dynamic job market, flexibility and a commitment to lifelong learning are crucial for staying relevant and adaptable. The traditional model of education is evolving, with more students opting for flexible learning options that allow them to balance their studies with other commitments.

Why Flexibility Matters:

  • Online Learning: With the rise of online learning platforms, you can pursue a degree or higher certificate at your own pace, without having to leave your job or relocate.
  • Micro-credentials: Short courses and micro-credentials offer the opportunity to gain specialised skills in a shorter time frame, making it easier to pivot into new fields or enhance your qualifications in your current field.
  • Blended Learning: Many institutions now offer blended learning options, combining online coursework with occasional in-person sessions, giving you the best of both worlds.

Lifelong learning is about continually updating your skills and knowledge to meet the demands of an ever-changing workplace. This might involve taking additional courses, attending workshops, or even going back to school for another degree later in your career. The key is to remain open to learning and to view education as a continuous journey rather than a one-time event.

By embracing academic flexibility and lifelong learning, you can keep your skills current and remain competitive in the job market, regardless of how industries evolve.

Steps to Take When You Are Still Unsure

Even after careful consideration, it’s normal to feel uncertain about your choice of study. If you are still unsure, here are some practical steps you can take to gain more clarity:

  • Take a Gap Year: A gap year can provide you with time to explore different interests, travel, volunteer, or gain work experience. This can help you discover your passions and give you a clearer idea of what you want to study.
  • Internships and Job Shadowing: Gaining hands-on experience in a field that interests you can offer valuable insights. Internships or job shadowing opportunities allow you to explore different careers before committing to a study path.
  • Consult a Career Advisor: Career advisors can provide expert guidance based on your interests, strengths, and the current job market. They can also suggest fields of study that align with your potential career goals.
  • Start with General Studies: If you are not ready to specialise, consider starting with a general studies programme. This allows you to take a variety of courses and explore different disciplines before deciding on a specific major.

Taking these steps can help you make a more informed decision, ensuring that when you do choose a study path, it aligns with your goals and aspirations.


Choosing what to study when you are unsure of your career path can be a daunting task, but it is also an exciting opportunity to explore your interests and discover new possibilities. By understanding your strengths, exploring various fields of study, considering future job market trends, and embracing flexibility and lifelong learning, you can make a decision that not only meets your current needs but also sets you up for future success.

Remember, it is okay to take your time and even change direction if needed. The most important thing is to stay curious, keep learning, and remain open to new opportunities as you chart your course towards a fulfilling career.

Ready to start your journey? Explore the University of Johannesburg's online study options today and take the first step towards finding your ideal career path.

FAQs About Choosing A Career Path

1. What should I do if I don’t know what career I want?

If you're unsure of your career path, start by exploring your interests and strengths. Consider taking self-assessment tests, speaking with a career advisor, or gaining work experience through internships or job shadowing. It’s also helpful to research various fields of study and future job market trends to find areas that might interest you.

2. Is it okay to be undecided about my study direction?

Yes, it is perfectly okay to be undecided about what you want to study. Many students start their university journey without a clear idea of what they want to do. You can begin with a more general programme, which allows you to explore different subjects before committing to a specific field.

3. How can I decide between different fields of study?

To decide between different fields of study, consider your interests, strengths, and long-term career goals. Research each field’s career opportunities, job market trends, and growth potential. You might also want to speak with professionals in those fields or try out related courses to see what resonates with you.

4. What are some flexible study options available?

Flexible study options include online courses, blended learning programmes, and micro-credentials. These options allow you to learn at your own pace and balance your studies with other commitments, making it easier to adapt your education to your circumstances.

5. What is the importance of lifelong learning?

Lifelong learning is essential for staying relevant in a fast-changing job market. By continually updating your skills and knowledge, you ensure that you remain competitive and adaptable to new opportunities throughout your career. Lifelong learning can involve taking additional courses, attending workshops, or even pursuing another degree.

6. Should I take a gap year if I’m unsure about what to study?

Taking a gap year can be a great option if you are unsure about what to study. It gives you time to explore different interests, gain work experience, travel, or volunteer. This experience can provide valuable insights and help you make a more informed decision about your future studies.

7. How do I know if a field of study has good job prospects?

To determine if a field of study has good job prospects, research current and future job market trends. Look for industries that are growing and in demand, such as technology, healthcare, and environmental sciences. Also, consider fields that offer transferable skills or global opportunities, which can enhance your employability.

8. Can I change my major if I realise I am not interested in my current field of study?

Yes, most universities allow students to change their major if they find that their current field of study isn’t the right fit. It’s important to discuss your options with an academic advisor who can guide you through the process and help you choose a major that aligns better with your interests and career goals.

9. What should I do if I don’t feel passionate about any particular field?

If you don’t feel passionate about any particular field, focus on your strengths and what you enjoy doing. Sometimes, passion develops over time as you gain more experience in a field. It’s also helpful to choose a field with good job prospects and growth opportunities, which can lead to greater satisfaction in the long run.

10. How can I stay motivated while I’m still figuring out my career path?

Staying motivated while figuring out your career path involves setting small, achievable goals and remaining open to new experiences. Surround yourself with supportive people, seek advice when needed, and remember that it’s okay to take your time. Every step you take brings you closer to discovering the right path for you.

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