{subtext=Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets, redirection_contact_form=, page_title=Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets, university=UJ, description=

The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets is to develop your knowledge of the discipline of financial markets and trading. The programme comprises a focused curriculum to prepare you for a career in financial markets. Mastering of the curriculum will give you the ability to synthesise financial market principles and apply financial instruments in a professional manner. Fundamental knowledge of global investments relevant to the financial market industry will be gained, enabling you to work in today’s world of professional financial markets. The programme emphasises competence, integrity and the application of ethics in a professional environment. You will gain a global and South African financial market perspective and an in-depth understanding of the marketplace, which will give you a competitive advantage for employment.

, download_brochure=d9049e4d-7d39-46bf-9014-427a3d320769, total_offering_credit=120 or 130, tostartby=1746403200000, hs_object_source_label=CRM_UI, course_type=undergraduate, maintitle=Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets, display_timer=false, hs_object_source_id=userId:43902089, hs_created_by_user_id=43902089, hs_createdate=1678427809092, active_course=active, admission_req__title2=Technical Requirements , admission_req__title1=Admission Requirements , id=963490026, credit=120 or 130, form_logic=window.addEventListener('message', event => { if (event.data.type === 'hsFormCallback' && event.data.eventName === 'onFormSubmit' && event.data.id === '936b5177-baf9-425c-8923-e1b142899fa2') { var do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_with_relevant_work_experience_in_the_financial_market__or; var do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_in_finance__and; var are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_; for (item in event.data.data) { if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_with_relevant_work_experience_in_the_financial_market__or") { do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_with_relevant_work_experience_in_the_financial_market__or = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_in_finance__and") { do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_in_finance__and = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_") { are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } } setTimeout(function() { if ( do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_with_relevant_work_experience_in_the_financial_market__or === "Yes" && do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_in_finance__and === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://uj.velocitymedia.co.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else if ( do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_with_relevant_work_experience_in_the_financial_market__or === "Yes" && do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_in_finance__and === "No" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://uj.velocitymedia.co.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else if ( do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_with_relevant_work_experience_in_the_financial_market__or === "No" && do_you_have_an_nqf_level_6_qualification_in_finance__and === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/not-qualified", event); } }, 3000); } });, admission_req__description2=

We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:

Basic computer skills:

  • Ability to operate your computer and perform common tasks
  • Email and file management (access, create, edit, save, upload and download documents)
  • Ability to use a word processing program to create and edit documents
  • Basic web-browsing skills

Computer requirements:

  • Laptop or PC
  • A high-speed internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, ADSL or fibre)
  • E-book storage and reading
  • Study notes storage and reading (PDF, MS Office)
  • Video storage and playback
  • Video recording
  • Audio storage and playback
  • Audio recording
  • Web browsing
  • Document creation
  • Access to social networking

Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:

In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.

, admission_req__description1=

The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.

You should have one of the following:

  • New or old NQF Level 6 qualification with three years’ relevant work experience in financial markets 
  • New or old NQF Level 6 qualification in finance 
  • Five years’ relevant work experience in financial markets

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not assure acceptance into the programme, as you will undergo a selection process as determined by the Department of Finance and Investment Management. If you have an NQF Level 6 qualification with three years’ relevant work experience or only relevant work experience, you will write an entrance exam to determine if you have the necessary foundational knowledge to proceed with the Advanced Diploma. If you do not pass the exam, you will be able to do certain short learning programmes (which are in development) so that your knowledge is at the correct level before doing the Advanced Diploma.

The decision to recommend admission is made by the programme coordinator who will evaluate you (via Skype or by other appropriate means). During the selection process, the programme coordinator will consider your career history. The programme coordinator may also request you to perform certain discipline-related writing or practical skills tasks as a means of assessing the breadth and depth of your knowledge and skills before making a final admission decision.

You further need to have strong general computer skills and reliable access to the internet, as the programme is offered fully online. If you do not have reliable internet access you will not be able to participate fully in the learning activities for each module.

The international equivalence of qualifications will be specified in the prospectus.

If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).

, fees_disclaimer=Fees quoted are 2025 fees. Fees are subject to an annual increase., meta_title=Online Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets | Equities and Bonds, headingtext=


, total_fees=R42,900 (120 credits) R46,530 (130 credits), form_id=936b5177-baf9-425c-8923-e1b142899fa2, priority=1, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/Untitled%20design%20(27).png, module_and_credit_subtext=

Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over 20 months and consists of compulsory modules.

, meta_description=Earn yourself an Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets. Study 100% online, and develop the skills to provide financial advice and portfolio management., hs_lastmodifieddate=1740383770672, fee_per_credit=± R357, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, hs_object_id=963490026, download_pricing=65c2d639-f979-4784-bdb5-34c6479dab78, hs_object_source=CRM_UI, hs_object_source_user_id=43902089, applyby=1745193600000, header_bg_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/Untitled%20design%20(26).png, total_modules=10 or 11 , dynamic_page_slug=UJ-ADFM-advanced-diploma-in-financial-markets, hs_updated_by_user_id=48203977}


Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

21 April 2025
05 May 2025


Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets

The purpose of the Advanced Diploma in Financial Markets is to develop your knowledge of the discipline of financial markets and trading. The programme comprises a focused curriculum to prepare you for a career in financial markets. Mastering of the curriculum will give you the ability to synthesise financial market principles and apply financial instruments in a professional manner. Fundamental knowledge of global investments relevant to the financial market industry will be gained, enabling you to work in today’s world of professional financial markets. The programme emphasises competence, integrity and the application of ethics in a professional environment. You will gain a global and South African financial market perspective and an in-depth understanding of the marketplace, which will give you a competitive advantage for employment.


The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.

You should have one of the following:

  • New or old NQF Level 6 qualification with three years’ relevant work experience in financial markets 
  • New or old NQF Level 6 qualification in finance 
  • Five years’ relevant work experience in financial markets

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not assure acceptance into the programme, as you will undergo a selection process as determined by the Department of Finance and Investment Management. If you have an NQF Level 6 qualification with three years’ relevant work experience or only relevant work experience, you will write an entrance exam to determine if you have the necessary foundational knowledge to proceed with the Advanced Diploma. If you do not pass the exam, you will be able to do certain short learning programmes (which are in development) so that your knowledge is at the correct level before doing the Advanced Diploma.

The decision to recommend admission is made by the programme coordinator who will evaluate you (via Skype or by other appropriate means). During the selection process, the programme coordinator will consider your career history. The programme coordinator may also request you to perform certain discipline-related writing or practical skills tasks as a means of assessing the breadth and depth of your knowledge and skills before making a final admission decision.

You further need to have strong general computer skills and reliable access to the internet, as the programme is offered fully online. If you do not have reliable internet access you will not be able to participate fully in the learning activities for each module.

The international equivalence of qualifications will be specified in the prospectus.

If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).

We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:

Basic computer skills:

  • Ability to operate your computer and perform common tasks
  • Email and file management (access, create, edit, save, upload and download documents)
  • Ability to use a word processing program to create and edit documents
  • Basic web-browsing skills

Computer requirements:

  • Laptop or PC
  • A high-speed internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, ADSL or fibre)
  • E-book storage and reading
  • Study notes storage and reading (PDF, MS Office)
  • Video storage and playback
  • Video recording
  • Audio storage and playback
  • Audio recording
  • Web browsing
  • Document creation
  • Access to social networking

Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:

In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.


Modules & Credits

Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over 20 months and consists of compulsory modules.

Total Fees:  R3,630

Credits :  10

The purpose of this module is to develop a student’s financial mathematics skills, which are required in the other modules related to finance to ensure students can cope with the mathematical calculations that are covered in these modules. *The exemption exam will be available for students who believe they already have these skills, to write. If they fail the exam they will need to complete the Applied Financial Mathematics module and pass it. If they pass the exemption exam, they will not need to complete this module.

Total Fees:  R4,060

Credits :  12

The purpose of this module is to cover the basic concepts of financial markets and the characteristics and relevance of the different financial markets present both locally and internationally. The module relates knowledge of interpreting information present in the interest-bearing markets in order to utilise the information in a financial market environment for the purposes of decision-making within the context of the financial system, the economy, time value of money as well as risk and return.

Total Fees:  R4,350

Credits :  13

The purpose of this module is to cover the basic concepts of financial markets and the characteristics and relevance of the different financial markets present both locally and internationally. The module relates knowledge of interpreting information present in the equity markets in order to utilise the information in a financial market environment for the purposes of decision making within the context of financial statements, cash flows, corporate finance, working capital and portfolio management.

Total Fees:  R4,450

Credits :  12

The purpose of this module is to provide students with a framework for dealing with clients and the appropriate processes for providing financial advice, as well as a framework for sourcing information from a client in order to meet the requirements of setting up a client portfolio and assisting clients with any questions related to the portfolio with a focus on financial planning.

Total Fees:  R4,450

Credits :  13

The purpose of this module is to provide students with a framework for dealing with clients and the appropriate processes for providing financial advice, as well as a framework for sourcing information from a client in order to meet the requirements of setting up a client portfolio and assisting clients with any questions related to the portfolio with a focus on taxation.

Total Fees:  R4,450

Credits :  12

The purpose of this module is to relate knowledge of the trading systems and processes used in the financial market trading environment, as well as to provide the framework necessary to implement client market orders in the foreign exchange and alternative investment markets.

Total Fees:  R4,820

Credits :  13

The purpose of this module is to relate knowledge of the trading systems and processes used in the financial market organisation, structure and trading environment, as well as to provide the framework necessary to implement client market orders in the derivatives and overall market trading.

Total Fees:  R4,450

Credits :  12

The purpose of this module is to familiarise the student with the function of regulation in South Africa, as well as the roles of the various regulators. Specific pieces of legislation will be discussed in detail, such as the Credit Ratings Services Act and The Financial Advisors and other Intermediary Services Act. The role of corporate governance and ethics in relation to King III will also be covered in the module.

Total Fees:  R4,450

Credits :  13

The purpose of this module is to familiarise the student with the function of regulation in South Africa, as well as the roles of the various regulators. The Financial Markets Act will be covered in detail as well as conflicts of interest and the enforcement of financial regulations.

Total Fees:  R3,710

Credits :  10

The purpose of this module is to provide students with a clear understanding of corporate events and the implications thereof, as well as a practical understanding of corporate events and how they are used within the financial market environment, with a focus on corporate finance which includes capital, dividends, earnings and payments.

Total Fees:  R3,710

Credits :  10

The purpose of this module is to provide students with a clear understanding of corporate events and the implications thereof, as well as a practical understanding of corporate events and how they are used within the financial market environment, with a focus on mergers and acquisitions as well as redemptions and repurchases.


UJ Online programmes are designed to be affordable, saving time and money compared to other formats. Tuition fees are calculated per seven-week module. You can enrol in and pay for each consecutive session as your studies progress. Payment is accepted through the online student portal, and the payment deadline must be met.

* Fees quoted are 2025. Fees are subject to an annual increase.


Number of modules: 10 or 11


Programme credits: 120 or 130


Fees per programme credit: ± R357


Total tuition fees: R42,900 (120 credits) R46,530 (130 credits)