{page_title=Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management, total_offering_credit=120, maintitle=Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management, hs_object_source_id=userId:43902089, hs_created_by_user_id=43902089, admission_req__title3=, admission_req__title2=Technical requirements, admission_req__title1=Admission requirements, id=963473399, credit=120, admission_req__title4=, admission_req__description3=, admission_req__description2=

We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:

Basic computer skills:

  • Ability to operate your computer and perform common tasks
  • Email and file management (access, create, edit, save, upload and download documents)
  • Ability to use a word processing program to create and edit documents
  • Basic web browsing skills

Computer requirements:

  • Laptop or PC
  • A high-speed internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, ADSL or fibre)
  • E-book storage and reading
  • Study notes storage and reading (PDF, MS Office)
  • Video storage and playback
  • Video recording
  • Audio storage and playback
  • Audio recording
  • Web browsing
  • Document creation
  • Access to social networking

Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:

In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.

, admission_req__description1=

The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.

You should have the following:

Teachers on post level 2, principals, aspirant principals and school management team members wishing to develop a community of practice in school leadership can apply if they meet the criteria below.

  • A professional teaching qualification at REQV level 14 or above
  • At least three years’ classroom experience
  • In a school leadership role (school management team/acting position/grade head/subject head/district official) or aspire to be in a school leadership role

Required documentation:

  • A certified academic record and a certified copy of the highest qualification obtained
  • An updated and detailed CV
  • Proof of work experience
  • Certified copy of ID

If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).

, meta_title=Online School Management Course | UJ, total_fees= R34,920*, priority=2, module_and_credit_subtext=

Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over 20 months and consists of compulsory modules and a minor dissertation.

, meta_description=Diploma for teachers, principals, aspirant principals, and members of the School Management Team who want to build their experience in school leadership., hs_object_id=963473399, module_name=Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management, header_bg_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/NQ%20main-1.jpg, hs_updated_by_user_id=48203977, module_description=, subtext=Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management, redirection_contact_form=, university=UJ, description=

The Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management was designed for the school principal and the aspirant school principal to develop the skills and knowledge required in the changing world of education.

The purpose of this programme is to provide expertise and competence in the field of teaching management so that students can apply the principles in their working environment.

This qualification makes provision for the development of knowledge and applied skills related to school systems, leadership and management within the school system, including managing people and change.

, download_brochure=32d5807d-74dd-417d-8898-da57152f9fb5, tostartby=1746403200000, hs_object_source_label=CRM_UI, course_type=undergraduate, hs_createdate=1678428309401, active_course=active, form_logic=window.addEventListener('message', event => { if (event.data.type === 'hsFormCallback' && event.data.eventName === 'onFormSubmit' && event.data.id === '3181e8f5-a0fc-49e3-8bc5-e76abeef129d') { var do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_; var did_you_pass_english_with_a_d_symbol__aps_score___4__; var did_you_pass_maths_with_a_d_symbol__aps_score___4___please_note__maths_literacy_is_not_accepted_; var are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_; for (item in event.data.data) { if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_") { do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_five_years__classroom_experience_") { do_you_have_five_years__classroom_experience_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "are_you_currently_employed_as_a_teacher_or_school_manager_") { are_you_currently_employed_as_a_teacher_or_school_manager_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_") { are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } } setTimeout(function() { if ( do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_ === "Yes" && do_you_have_five_years__classroom_experience_ === "Yes" && are_you_currently_employed_as_a_teacher_or_school_manager_ === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/not-qualified", event); } }, 1000); } });, admission_req__description4=, fees_disclaimer=Fees quoted are 2025 fees. Fees are subject to an annual increase., headingtext=


, form_id=3181e8f5-a0fc-49e3-8bc5-e76abeef129d, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/afro-business-woman-using-laptop-2022-11-23-17-38-40-utc.jpg, hs_lastmodifieddate=1740383770672, fee_per_credit=±R291, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, download_pricing=4779a40f-ba8a-4351-8caa-6715c0798a96, hs_object_source=CRM_UI, hs_object_source_user_id=43902089, applyby=1745193600000, total_modules=9, dynamic_page_slug=UJ-ADSLM-advanced-diploma-in-school-leadership-and-management}


Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

21 April 2025
05 May 2025


Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management

The Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management was designed for the school principal and the aspirant school principal to develop the skills and knowledge required in the changing world of education.

The purpose of this programme is to provide expertise and competence in the field of teaching management so that students can apply the principles in their working environment.

This qualification makes provision for the development of knowledge and applied skills related to school systems, leadership and management within the school system, including managing people and change.


The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.

You should have the following:

Teachers on post level 2, principals, aspirant principals and school management team members wishing to develop a community of practice in school leadership can apply if they meet the criteria below.

  • A professional teaching qualification at REQV level 14 or above
  • At least three years’ classroom experience
  • In a school leadership role (school management team/acting position/grade head/subject head/district official) or aspire to be in a school leadership role

Required documentation:

  • A certified academic record and a certified copy of the highest qualification obtained
  • An updated and detailed CV
  • Proof of work experience
  • Certified copy of ID

If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).

We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:

Basic computer skills:

  • Ability to operate your computer and perform common tasks
  • Email and file management (access, create, edit, save, upload and download documents)
  • Ability to use a word processing program to create and edit documents
  • Basic web browsing skills

Computer requirements:

  • Laptop or PC
  • A high-speed internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, ADSL or fibre)
  • E-book storage and reading
  • Study notes storage and reading (PDF, MS Office)
  • Video storage and playback
  • Video recording
  • Audio storage and playback
  • Audio recording
  • Web browsing
  • Document creation
  • Access to social networking

Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:

In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.


Modules & Credits

Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over 20 months and consists of compulsory modules and a minor dissertation.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  13

Effective leadership and management of teaching and learning is a critical role for the school principal. All other leadership and management roles and functions of the school must serve and support this primary purpose. The module will equip the student with the necessary competencies to lead quality teaching, manage curriculum implementation effectively and track and support improved learning. The student will develop a portfolio of evidence that will run throughout and across the programme and that will provide a tool for their professional reflection and development throughout their careers. The professional portfolio integrates the work across the programme and includes a practical workplace project. The portfolio will begin by asking students to reflect on the meaning of being a leader of a South African school.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  12

Here we focus on helping student-principals locate the school and its practices within the wider context of the education system. It addresses issues related to law, policy, governance, school planning and school development.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  12

This module emphasises people as the key resource of the school and explores the need for both theoretical understanding and practical competencies in the leadership and management of people, to manage oneself and others in both the school and the wider school communities. This module recognises that education is intrinsically about change and that change needs to be led and managed effectively to facilitate continuous improvement in and for the school.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  9

Here we proceed from the understanding that schools exist within particular social and economic communities that have an influence on and may be influenced by the school as well as the school’s leaders, staff and structures. The wider community that the school serves can provide a source of support and resources for the school and the school can play an important role in the wellbeing and development of the community.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  9

This module helps students to understand the school as an organisation, to manage organisational systems holistically in context and to lead and manage the use of ICT, physical and financial resources. It also addresses issues related to building and enhancing the school as a safe, disciplined and caring environment conducive to effective teaching and learning.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  14

Supporting effective leadership and management of extra- and co-curricular activities is integral to the development of well-rounded individuals. Effective leadership and management of teaching and learning is a critical role for the school principal. All other leadership and management roles and functions of the school must serve and support this primary purpose of the school. The module will equip students with the necessary competencies to lead quality teaching, manage curriculum implementation effectively and track and support improved learning.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  9

This module helps students to understand the school as an organisation, to manage organisational systems holistically in context and to lead and manage the use of ICT, physical and financial resources. It also addresses issues related to building and enhancing the school as a safe, disciplined and caring environment conducive to effective teaching and learning.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  12

This module emphasises people as the key resource of the school and explores the need for both theoretical understanding and practical competencies in leadership and management of people, to manage oneself and others in both the school and the wider school communities. It recognises that education is intrinsically about change and that change needs to be led and managed effectively to facilitate continuous improvement in and for the school. This module helps student-principals locate the school and its practices within the wider context of the education system. It addresses issues related to law, policy, governance, school planning and school development.

Total Fees:  R3,880

Credits :  30

Central to the portfolio will be a workplace project that will provide evidence, in an integrated way, of a candidate’s ability to undertake an evidence-based inquiry, make appropriate use of data and ICT and make evidence-based decisions. The project will also require that candidates implement changed practices as a result of these decisions, evaluate the impact thereof and make changes or amendments as indicated by the findings through an action-research cycle. The portfolio and project will provide evidence of commitment and ability to shape the direction and development of the school.


UJ Online programmes are designed to be affordable, saving time and money compared to other formats. Tuition fees are calculated per seven-week module. You can enrol in and pay for each consecutive session as your studies progress. Payment is accepted through the online student portal, and the payment deadline must be met.

* Fees quoted are 2025. Fees are subject to an annual increase.


Number of modules: 9


Programme credits: 120


Fees per programme credit: ±R291


Total tuition fees: R34,920*