We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:
Basic computer skills:
Computer requirements:
Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:
In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.
, admission_req__description1=The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.
You should have the following:
Teachers on post level 2, principals, aspirant principals and school management team members wishing to develop a community of practice in school leadership can apply if they meet the criteria below.
Required documentation:
If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).
Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over 20 months and consists of compulsory modules and a minor dissertation.
, meta_description=Diploma for teachers, principals, aspirant principals, and members of the School Management Team who want to build their experience in school leadership., hs_object_id=963473399, module_name=Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management, header_bg_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/NQ%20main-1.jpg, hs_updated_by_user_id=48203977, module_description=, subtext=Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management, redirection_contact_form=, university=UJ, description=The Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management was designed for the school principal and the aspirant school principal to develop the skills and knowledge required in the changing world of education.
The purpose of this programme is to provide expertise and competence in the field of teaching management so that students can apply the principles in their working environment.
This qualification makes provision for the development of knowledge and applied skills related to school systems, leadership and management within the school system, including managing people and change.
, download_brochure=32d5807d-74dd-417d-8898-da57152f9fb5, tostartby=1746403200000, hs_object_source_label=CRM_UI, course_type=undergraduate, hs_createdate=1678428309401, active_course=active, form_logic=window.addEventListener('message', event => { if (event.data.type === 'hsFormCallback' && event.data.eventName === 'onFormSubmit' && event.data.id === '3181e8f5-a0fc-49e3-8bc5-e76abeef129d') { var do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_; var did_you_pass_english_with_a_d_symbol__aps_score___4__; var did_you_pass_maths_with_a_d_symbol__aps_score___4___please_note__maths_literacy_is_not_accepted_; var are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_; for (item in event.data.data) { if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_") { do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_five_years__classroom_experience_") { do_you_have_five_years__classroom_experience_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "are_you_currently_employed_as_a_teacher_or_school_manager_") { are_you_currently_employed_as_a_teacher_or_school_manager_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_") { are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } } setTimeout(function() { if ( do_you_have_a_professional_teaching_qualification_at_reqv_level_14_or_above_ === "Yes" && do_you_have_five_years__classroom_experience_ === "Yes" && are_you_currently_employed_as_a_teacher_or_school_manager_ === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/not-qualified", event); } }, 1000); } });, admission_req__description4=, fees_disclaimer=Fees quoted are 2025 fees. Fees are subject to an annual increase., headingtext=THE FUTURE. REIMAGINED.
, form_id=3181e8f5-a0fc-49e3-8bc5-e76abeef129d, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/afro-business-woman-using-laptop-2022-11-23-17-38-40-utc.jpg, hs_lastmodifieddate=1740383770672, fee_per_credit=±R291, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, download_pricing=4779a40f-ba8a-4351-8caa-6715c0798a96, hs_object_source=CRM_UI, hs_object_source_user_id=43902089, applyby=1745193600000, total_modules=9, dynamic_page_slug=UJ-ADSLM-advanced-diploma-in-school-leadership-and-management}THE FUTURE. REIMAGINED.
The Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management was designed for the school principal and the aspirant school principal to develop the skills and knowledge required in the changing world of education.
The purpose of this programme is to provide expertise and competence in the field of teaching management so that students can apply the principles in their working environment.
This qualification makes provision for the development of knowledge and applied skills related to school systems, leadership and management within the school system, including managing people and change.
The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.
You should have the following:
Teachers on post level 2, principals, aspirant principals and school management team members wishing to develop a community of practice in school leadership can apply if they meet the criteria below.
Required documentation:
If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).
We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:
Basic computer skills:
Computer requirements:
Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:
In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.
Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over 20 months and consists of compulsory modules and a minor dissertation.
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 13
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 12
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 12
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 9
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 9
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 14
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 9
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 12
Total Fees: R3,880
Credits : 30
UJ Online programmes are designed to be affordable, saving time and money compared to other formats. Tuition fees are calculated per seven-week module. You can enrol in and pay for each consecutive session as your studies progress. Payment is accepted through the online student portal, and the payment deadline must be met.
* Fees quoted are 2025. Fees are subject to an annual increase.