21 April 2025 TO START BY:
05 May 2025
The JBS online Master of Business Administration (MBA) is fully online and offers electives to suit your area of expertise. The elective streams include subjects in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation, Leadership, Healthcare Management and Digital Transformation. The initial focus of this MBA will fall on finding your purpose. You will then learn the skills and requirements to be a master in your field, with a solid understanding of national and international trends.
The faculty members are “professors of practice” and have a practical approach, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to grow a business. Students selected for this programme also will benefit from exposure to networks across the globe.
There is no thesis but rather a capstone project that requires the student to unpack a real-life business challenge they may have experienced, working with a supervisor to come up with a workable solution.
The MBA is accredited nationally by the Council for Higher Education and has the backing of the internationally recognised University of Johannesburg. The Johannesburg Business School (JBS) is working towards aligning the MBA with the requirements of the international accrediting agencies. To apply for international accreditation, the MBA has to have run for a minimum of three years. The first intake was in 2020, which means JBS can apply for international accreditation in 2023.
, admission_req__description1=To be considered for the MBA you need to meet the requirements listed below:
Admission requirements for international students:
, total_fees=R225,380, form_id=c8b94c7e-8e5b-44a5-96ff-51206ffed2c2, priority=9, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/Untitled%20design%20(34).png, module_and_credit_subtext=Two MBA modules (a 5-credit module and a 10-credit module) will run concurrently over a seven-week period and the programme is split over two years. The MBA programme consists of core modules, three elective modules, and a capstone project which is an independent study module. The fees for the MBA include textbooks (ebooks).
Healthcare Management Modules
The Fundamentals of Healthcare Operations Management is a short, compulsory module for students specialising in healthcare. This module needs to be completed before any other of the Healthcare Management stream of modules.
The JBS online Master of Business Administration (MBA) is fully online and offers electives to suit your area of expertise. The elective streams include subjects in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation, Leadership, Healthcare Management and Digital Transformation. The initial focus of this MBA will fall on finding your purpose. You will then learn the skills and requirements to be a master in your field, with a solid understanding of national and international trends.
The faculty members are “professors of practice” and have a practical approach, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to grow a business. Students selected for this programme also will benefit from exposure to networks across the globe.
There is no thesis but rather a capstone project that requires the student to unpack a real-life business challenge they may have experienced, working with a supervisor to come up with a workable solution.
To be considered for the MBA you need to meet the requirements listed below:
Admission requirements for international students:
The MBA is accredited nationally by the Council for Higher Education and has the backing of the internationally recognised University of Johannesburg. The Johannesburg Business School (JBS) is working towards aligning the MBA with the requirements of the international accrediting agencies. To apply for international accreditation, the MBA has to have run for a minimum of three years. The first intake was in 2020, which means JBS can apply for international accreditation in 2023.
Two MBA modules (a 5-credit module and a 10-credit module) will run concurrently over a seven-week period and the programme is split over two years. The MBA programme consists of core modules, three elective modules, and a capstone project which is an independent study module. The fees for the MBA include textbooks (ebooks).
Healthcare Management Modules
The Fundamentals of Healthcare Operations Management is a short, compulsory module for students specialising in healthcare. This module needs to be completed before any other of the Healthcare Management stream of modules.
Total Fees: R13,580
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R13,580
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R6,770 per module
Credits : 5 credits each
Total Fees: R13,580
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R13,580
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R13,580
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R6,770
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R6,770
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R13,580
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R13,580
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R6,770
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R6,770
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R6,770
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R6,770
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R3,180
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R3,180
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R3,180
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R3,180
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R18,230
Credits : 30
Total Fees: R14,790
Credits : 10
International Elective A
The purpose of this module is to serve as a vehicle to grant credits to students who undertake their electives at partner business schools, (i.e. those with which JBS has a Memorandum of Agreement in place). The student completes his or her studies at a partner school and receives a mini transcript from the partner school for the courses he or she has undertaken.
International Study for Healthcare Management
The purpose of this module is to provide exposure to students to international experts in healthcare management via seminars and workshops and to world-class healthcare facilities, to identify opportunities for improvement to local healthcare facilities. The international study module would be for a period ranging from one to two weeks, with specified activities per day.
Systems for Healthcare Operations Management
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to an integrated systems approach to improve and optimise healthcare delivery and healthcare facilities management. The module provides an introduction to digital business models, business processes, sensor to ERP, integrated systems, capacity and resource management, and also specific optimisation approaches such as queuing theory.
Total Fees: R14,790
Credits : 10
Big Data & Data Analytics for Managers in the 4th IR
The purpose of this module is to prepare students for effective business intelligence, analytics, data science and leadership roles by focusing on business acumen, data command, technology and communication.
Entrepreneurship and Start-ups
The purpose of this module is to analyse traditional and contemporary business development theories, strategies and tools aimed at new business development in existing or start-up organisations.
Negotiation Skills
The purpose of this module is to equip students with an essential framework that forms the basis of any type of negotiation and its consequent employment in the business environment. The module will deal with key negotiation principles in practice, while also observing and delivering critique on others during simulated negotiation settings. This approach specifically aims to build the student’s confidence and develop their ability to negotiate more successfully.
Economics in Healthcare Management
To introduce the student to the fundamentals of economics and the application of the fundamentals in the healthcare sector in South Africa. The module defines and determines how the various role-players of the healthcare sector impact healthcare costs. The role players that would be considered in the module are the public, patients, healthcare service providers, healthcare practitioners, medical aids, government, and public and private institutions. The module would adopt an inclusive approach with the objective of sustainable social systems. This would include economic evaluation and priority investment strategies for current facilities, and technological-social-economic evaluation to maximise strategic investment to advance service delivery. The module would also consider the impacts of digital transformation on healthcare economics.
Innovation in healthcare management
This module presents a critical review of the latest healthcare technologies and innovations and its impact on the operations of healthcare facilities from delivery of service to costs. This includes mobile technology, telehealth, healthcare at home, technology innovations, etc. The module also discusses the innovation lifecycle and its impact on healthcare improvement.
Total Fees: R14,790
Credits : 10
Blockchain Applications for Business
This module is designed to explain the fundamentals of blockchain technology and how it works at a high level. Students will build an awareness of blockchain technology instruments and how they can be used to process products such as cryptocurrency transactions across an open and distributed ledger. The module will also provide students with sufficient basic knowledge of blockchain so that they are able to determine how the technology can support business operations.
Disruptive Technologies for Industry Sectors
This module deals with an analytical review of historical disruptive technologies to date and societal and market transitions. Using case study tools, students will be able to map a desired future sustainable transition with its accompanying future technology applications for various industry sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, financial services and transport, among others.
Developing Authentic Leadership
The purpose of this module is to assist students to become authentic leaders. To do this, they will first need to know themselves and then practice being themselves. Authentic leaders have to have high levels of self-awareness and this module will promote this through 360-degree feedback and group work aimed at soliciting feedback from peers.
Legislation and Ethics in the Healthcare Sector
Define and determine how governmental policies and legislations influence the practices of the healthcare sector from healthcare facilities to medical practitioners to medical aids. Define healthcare ethics and how its application influences healthcare decisions from facility operations to patient diagnosis. Aspects such as malpractice, confidentiality, patient rights, etc. will be considered from both the ethical and legal standpoint. The impact of laws, policies and healthcare ethics on the adoption of digital technologies towards the transformation of the sector; security and privacy of information. A look at how the public healthcare legislation differs in countries with optimally operating public healthcare services and its ethical protocol.
Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare
Define data in healthcare and how data can deliver value in operations and management of healthcare facilities and the sector. Introduction to data analytics tools, data and reporting, data and management. Introduce the use of data for business intelligence; for informed decision making from facilities operations management to strategic investments. Ethics of data gathering, handling, analysis and sharing.
UJ Online programmes are designed to be affordable, saving time and money compared to other formats. Tuition fees are calculated per seven-week module. You can enrol in and pay for each consecutive session as your studies progress. Payment is accepted through the online student portal, and the payment deadline must be met.
* Fees quoted are 2025. Fees are subject to an annual increase.