{subtext=Master of Education in Educational Management , redirection_contact_form=hide, page_title=Master of Education in Educational Management, university=UJ, description=

The online Master of Education (MEd) in Educational Management is relevant to anyone involved in the formal or informal education sector. 

The range of modules will add value to previous learning and provide conceptual and theoretical frameworks to make sense of and review practices. While the programme is globally informed, you will be expected to interrogate imported information in the light of your local contextual knowledge and practice with the intention of finding your own educational management voice. In short, the programme is designed to raise questions, stimulate critical thought and support reflective professional practice.

Admission requirements: Below are the minimum requirements for applying and a list of the required documents you will need when you submit your application for the Masters of Education in Education Management online programme.

This programme is specifically aimed at qualified teachers and education managers holding a BEd Honours degree.

During the selection process, the programme coordinator and/or head of department (HOD) will consider the career history of applicants.

, download_brochure=64ab95d6-0ad3-4cd1-9679-74a7ddea9d2c, total_offering_credit=180, tostartby=1741564800000, hs_object_source_label=CRM_UI, course_type=postgraduate, maintitle=Master of Education in Educational Management, display_timer=false, hs_object_source_id=userId:43902089, hs_created_by_user_id=43902089, hs_createdate=1678428153115, active_course=active, admission_req__title2=Technical requirements, admission_req__title1=Admission Requirements , id=963490035, credit=180, form_logic=window.addEventListener('message', event => { if (event.data.type === 'hsFormCallback' && event.data.eventName === 'onFormSubmit' && event.data.id === '3dd65a9c-2077-4d41-80ce-a2df3ed3a1ca') { var do_you_have_a_b_ed__honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_; var do_you_have_a_4_year_bachelor_s_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_; var do_you_have_an_honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_and_work_; var are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_; for (item in event.data.data) { if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_a_b_ed__honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_") { do_you_have_a_b_ed__honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_a_4_year_bachelor_s_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_") { do_you_have_a_4_year_bachelor_s_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "do_you_have_an_honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_and_work_") { do_you_have_an_honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_and_work_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } if (event.data.data[item]["name"] === "are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_") { are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ = event.data.data[item]["value"]; } } setTimeout(function() { if ( do_you_have_a_b_ed__honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_ === "Yes" && do_you_have_a_4_year_bachelor_s_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_ === "Yes" && do_you_have_an_honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_and_work_ === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else if ( do_you_have_a_b_ed__honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_ === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else if ( do_you_have_a_4_year_bachelor_s_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_ === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else if ( do_you_have_an_honours_degree__nqf_level_8__with_a_65__pass_plus_a_teaching_qualification_and_work_ === "Yes" && are_you_interested_in_studying_this_programme_100__online_and_not_on_campus_ === "Yes") { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/successful-confirmation/", event); } else { window.location = utm_parameter("https://online.uj.ac.za/not-qualified", event); } }, 3000); } });, admission_req__description3=, admission_req__description2=

We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:

Basic computer skills:

  • Ability to operate your computer and perform common tasks
  • Email and file management (access, create, edit, save, upload and download documents)
  • Ability to use a word processing program to create and edit documents
  • Basic web-browsing skills

Computer requirements:

  • Laptop or PC
  • A high-speed internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, ADSL or fibre)
  • E-book storage and reading
  • Study notes storage and reading (PDF, MS Office)
  • Video storage and playback
  • Video recording
  • Audio storage and playback
  • Audio recording
  • Web browsing
  • Document creation
  • Access to social networking

Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:

In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.

, admission_req__description1=

The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.

Requirements for consideration into a Master of Education in Education Management include:

One of the following:

  • Qualified teachers and education managers holding an NQF Level 8 BEd Honours degree with a research project component in Education, or a related discipline. Students with a Postgraduate Diploma in Education Leadership and Management will be considered if a research project component was completed in the Postgraduate Diploma.
  • A suitable professional Bachelor’s degree (NFQ Level 8) plus a teacher’s diploma or teaching qualification and work experience in the field leadership and management in education. The disciplinary knowledge of such candidates will be assessed by the programme coordinator, HOD and another disciplinary expert in the field of specialisation. A reading programme may be prescribed prior to allowing registration.
  • An appropriate NQF Level 8 Honours degree with a research project component and a teacher’s diploma or teaching qualification, plus work experience in the field leadership and management in education. The disciplinary knowledge of such candidates will be assessed by the programme coordinator, HOD and another disciplinary expert in the field of specialisation. A reading programme may be prescribed prior to allowing registration.
  • Prospective candidates may, based on extensive and verifiable experience in the field of leadership and management in education, apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) within institutional policy guidelines. Their experience should be on the level and scope of NQF Level 8 within the discipline and should include appropriate research methodological knowledge and skills.

All applicants must have obtained a 65% average in the preceding NQF Level 8 qualification (or equivalent).

Students who do not have the required 65% on their average marks for the previous qualification but have an average between 60% and 64%, will be considered if there are places available in the programme. In such cases, the programme coordinator and/or HOD will holistically assess the prior assessment results of applicants and consider performance in research-related modules and other discipline-related modules.

Required documentation:

  • A certified academic record and a certified copy of the highest qualification obtained
  • An updated and detailed CV
  • Proof of work experience
  • The Honours research project (if requested)

The international equivalence of qualifications will be specified in the prospectus.

If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).

, fees_disclaimer=Fees quoted are 2025 fees. Fees are subject to an annual increase., meta_title=Online Master of Education in Educational Management, headingtext=


, total_fees=R45,840*, form_id=3dd65a9c-2077-4d41-80ce-a2df3ed3a1ca, priority=8, featured_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/Untitled%20design%20(38).png, module_and_credit_subtext=

Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over two years and consists of compulsory modules and a minor dissertation, which may take the form of a research report.

, meta_description=Designed for qualified teachers and education managers holding a BEd Honours degree. The programme is split over two years, start today!, hs_lastmodifieddate=1740128605962, fee_per_credit=± R254, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, hs_object_id=963490035, download_pricing=585c8794-8699-45e8-ac7d-6bb30218a096, hs_object_source=CRM_UI, hs_object_source_user_id=43902089, applyby=1740355200000, header_bg_image=https://26606987.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26606987/Untitled%20design%20(40).png, total_modules=12, dynamic_page_slug=UJ-MEdEDMAN-master-of-education-in-educational-management, hs_updated_by_user_id=45390666}


Master of Education in Educational Management

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

24 February 2025
10 March 2025


Master of Education in Educational Management 

The online Master of Education (MEd) in Educational Management is relevant to anyone involved in the formal or informal education sector. 

The range of modules will add value to previous learning and provide conceptual and theoretical frameworks to make sense of and review practices. While the programme is globally informed, you will be expected to interrogate imported information in the light of your local contextual knowledge and practice with the intention of finding your own educational management voice. In short, the programme is designed to raise questions, stimulate critical thought and support reflective professional practice.

Admission requirements: Below are the minimum requirements for applying and a list of the required documents you will need when you submit your application for the Masters of Education in Education Management online programme.

This programme is specifically aimed at qualified teachers and education managers holding a BEd Honours degree.

During the selection process, the programme coordinator and/or head of department (HOD) will consider the career history of applicants.


The admission requirements for this programme will adhere to the University of Johannesburg’s Admission and Selection Policy that is current at the time of the registration for this programme.

Requirements for consideration into a Master of Education in Education Management include:

One of the following:

  • Qualified teachers and education managers holding an NQF Level 8 BEd Honours degree with a research project component in Education, or a related discipline. Students with a Postgraduate Diploma in Education Leadership and Management will be considered if a research project component was completed in the Postgraduate Diploma.
  • A suitable professional Bachelor’s degree (NFQ Level 8) plus a teacher’s diploma or teaching qualification and work experience in the field leadership and management in education. The disciplinary knowledge of such candidates will be assessed by the programme coordinator, HOD and another disciplinary expert in the field of specialisation. A reading programme may be prescribed prior to allowing registration.
  • An appropriate NQF Level 8 Honours degree with a research project component and a teacher’s diploma or teaching qualification, plus work experience in the field leadership and management in education. The disciplinary knowledge of such candidates will be assessed by the programme coordinator, HOD and another disciplinary expert in the field of specialisation. A reading programme may be prescribed prior to allowing registration.
  • Prospective candidates may, based on extensive and verifiable experience in the field of leadership and management in education, apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) within institutional policy guidelines. Their experience should be on the level and scope of NQF Level 8 within the discipline and should include appropriate research methodological knowledge and skills.

All applicants must have obtained a 65% average in the preceding NQF Level 8 qualification (or equivalent).

Students who do not have the required 65% on their average marks for the previous qualification but have an average between 60% and 64%, will be considered if there are places available in the programme. In such cases, the programme coordinator and/or HOD will holistically assess the prior assessment results of applicants and consider performance in research-related modules and other discipline-related modules.

Required documentation:

  • A certified academic record and a certified copy of the highest qualification obtained
  • An updated and detailed CV
  • Proof of work experience
  • The Honours research project (if requested)

The international equivalence of qualifications will be specified in the prospectus.

If you have a question, please email enquiries@online.uj.ac.za or phone 0800 233 723 (toll-free).

We recommend the following in order to successfully complete your 100% online degree:

Basic computer skills:

  • Ability to operate your computer and perform common tasks
  • Email and file management (access, create, edit, save, upload and download documents)
  • Ability to use a word processing program to create and edit documents
  • Basic web-browsing skills

Computer requirements:

  • Laptop or PC
  • A high-speed internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, ADSL or fibre)
  • E-book storage and reading
  • Study notes storage and reading (PDF, MS Office)
  • Video storage and playback
  • Video recording
  • Audio storage and playback
  • Audio recording
  • Web browsing
  • Document creation
  • Access to social networking

Module interruption and scheduled maintenance:

In the event of unexpected module interruption on the due date for an activity, the online facilitator will notify students of a new due date.


Modules & Credits

Modules are undertaken over a seven-week period. The programme is split over two years and consists of compulsory modules and a minor dissertation, which may take the form of a research report.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module seeks to develop the academic writing and research skills of postgraduate students in educational leadership and management. The focus of this module is to socialise postgraduate students to the conventions of academic language, writing and research skills. Students will be exposed to the different referencing techniques, academic writing stages and processes, issues of plagiarism in academic writing and ethical measures pertinent to research studies. The ultimate purpose of this module is to develop the research capacity of Master’s students towards an advanced scholarly level of academic writing and research skills. From a broader knowledge base, students who complete this module will be able to reflect critically and creatively, evaluate their writing and transfer skills and knowledge to different academic writing contexts.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module seeks to expose students to resource management in education, which is imperative for effective and responsive leadership. It focuses on key drivers of resource management from a research, theoretical, practical and sustainable perspective. The module further develops several paradigmatic knowledge bases that support the field of resource management preparing leaders for the future of education in a constantly changing world. The topics explored include but are not limited to human relations, conflict management, professional development, performance management, financial management and economics in education for the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module helps students to understand the relationship between societal developments and education policies. It reveals ways in which policies are described, to enable a critical understanding of how policies are developed. Furthermore, it deals with the interpretation of legislation including the Constitution as applicable to the school environment. School administrators, leaders and managers will benefit from this module. Managers of other learning institutions will benefit from the module as well. Candidates wanting to pursue studies in education policy, law, management, leadership and administration will benefit from this module because it enhances professional development and managerial skills.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module seeks to deepen an understanding of traditional organisational behaviour topics through critical interrogation of long-standing assumptions pertaining to the complexity of the interdependent relationship between individuals, groups, organisation and the related context. Such an understanding will enhance education managers and leaders’ competences in creating a conducive work context for the evolving human dynamics in the era of 4IR within an African and global context. The module develops managers’ and leaders’ alternative thinking and practice and has a strong research orientation. The module will engage critical theoretical frameworks of organisational behaviour as emerging from critical organisation and management studies. The module deals with concepts and theories related to organisation theory, organisational change and leadership and critical organisational and management studies. The module strives to enable students to apply theoretical frameworks of organisational behaviour to resolve important problems in organisational effectiveness as well as the satisfaction and engagement of the organisation’s people.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module seeks to strengthen and deepen the student’s fundamental knowledge of theories of educational leadership by focussing on various leadership theories, education management models and perspectives. Moreover, this module orientates students towards an advanced, reflective understanding of critical leadership theories that underpin social justice and diversity associated with overall organisational effectiveness in the evolution of education leadership. Selected case studies in educational leadership and management are utilised to demonstrate real-life situations, where students apply theory in practice. In so doing, the student’s theoretical and practical knowledge of constructs such as leadership, management, theory, trends, quality schools and school effectiveness is enhanced.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module provides students with the opportunity to focus on the theoretical foundations of qualitative research and the processes involved in conducting qualitative research. During the course of the module, qualitative research designs and data collection methods will be examined from a theoretical perspective but applied using a practical orientation to research. Students will engage in hands-on activities in the field as well as apply the knowledge and skills acquired to critically evaluate proposals and dissertations in the field of education leadership and management. The module thus strives to develop the research knowledge, skills and experiences of students building the qualitative research capacity that is necessary for undertaking qualitative research.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module seeks to explore the current and future trends in the educational leadership and management research landscape in the era of 4IR. It develops an education leader’s research orientation through the lens of life-long learning and adaptive expertise and delves into researching a learning-driven school culture responsive to the disruptive influences of digitalisation and social innovation. Topics in this module include but are not limited to: leaders of learning in the school context, leading an education revolution that embraces 4IR, leading schools as innovative learning environments, and leading towards the strategic inclusion of young teachers as leaders of technology, pedagogy and alternative technology-driven methodologies.

Total Fees:  R3,350

Credits :  15

This module provides an introduction to basic concepts in quantitative research, questionnaire design as well as data collection and capture in quantitative research. It also covers data analysis in quantitative research.

Total Fees:  R4,760

Credits :  15

In this module, students will be required to produce a research proposal. Various skills should be demonstrated in the proposal including the contextualisation of the research problem, the formulation of research questions, aims and objectives, as well as providing defensible research design and methodology.

Total Fees:  R4,760

Credits :  15

This module will include the development of a literature review and a theoretical framework for the study.

Total Fees:  R4,760

Credits :  15

This module will focus on data collection and the analysis in support of the discussion and conclusion to follow in the final module.

Total Fees:  R4,760

Credits :  15

This module will entail the findings, discussion, recommendations and conclusion towards the submission of the research report or dissertation. Referencing must be meticulously checked and the dissertation must be language edited before the final submission for examination.


UJ Online programmes are designed to be affordable, saving time and money compared to other formats. Tuition fees are calculated per seven-week module. You can enrol in and pay for each consecutive session as your studies progress. Payment is accepted through the online student portal, and the payment deadline must be met.

* Fees quoted are 2025. Fees are subject to an annual increase.


Number of modules: 12


Programme credits: 180


Fees per programme credit: ± R254


Total tuition fees: R45,840*